Fee Structure
No Up Front Cost
Compass Rose Financial Planning only charges an asset management fee. There are never any up-front fees; you only pay for work that has been completed.

Fee-Only Financial Planners are restricted in the compensation structures they may use. Currently, Compass Rose Financial Planning only uses Assets Under Management (AUM), which is a stated percentage of “Investable Assets”.
Compass Rose Financial Planning is the
clear choice and a better value!
Give us a call today!
Consider the price you are willing to pay for a little peace of mind. Fee-Only advisors have access to thousands of no-load and low-load products as well as many discounted services. They are not limited to company-sponsored offerings and sales-driven opportunities.
The result is an unbiased financial plan created by a professional who is committed to acting as a fiduciary in a client-centered relationship. Clients of Fee-Only advisors recognize that the fees they pay are a real value when the overall benefits of comprehensive planning are considered.
To receive a free consultation, give Compass Rose Financial Planning a call today.

Assets Under Management (AUM)
The AUM option includes a holistic Financial Plan and on-going
asset monitoring and rebalancing of your portfolio.
Note: “Fee-Only” is not “Fee-based”! “Fee-based” advisors not only accept compensation from clients but may receive commissions and fees from third parties, such as mutual funds or insurance companies, when they sell their products. Therein lays the potential conflict of interest.
Additionally, “fee-based” advisors may be restricted to recommend investments in a narrow range of products they have the credentials to sell, rather than provide sound, high-level investment advice.
While you may pay a fee-based advisor less outright compensation than what you’d pay for a Fee-Only advisor, fee-based advisors can earn commission by putting you in certain products, and the commission they earn on some investments may be higher than others. Thus, the advisor may have a financial incentive to favor one product over another.
Asset Allocation and Portfolio
Monitoring Fee Schedule
The annual asset allocation/portfolio monitoring fee is based on an aggregate value of all accounts within the established household. Fees are negotiable and are not based on a share of capital gains or capital appreciation of the funds or any portion of the funds in your account. Generally, the minimum advisory fee is $2,500 per year.
You may elect to have us bill you each quarter for your Asset Allocation/Portfolio Monitoring fees or you may authorize us to deduct the advisory fee directly from your account:
Our Fee Chart
Account Size |
Maximum Annual Fee
$250,000 to $499,999 |
$500,000 to $999,999 |
$1,000,000 to $1,999,999 |
$2,000,000 to $2,999,999 |
$3,000,000+ |
The annual asset allocation/portfolio monitoring fee is based on an aggregate value of all accounts within the established household. Fees are negotiable and are not based on a share of capital gains or capital appreciation of the funds or any portion of the funds in your account. Generally, the minimum advisory fee is $2,500 per year.
You may elect to have us bill you each quarter for your Asset Allocation/Portfolio Monitoring fees or you may authorize us to deduct the advisory fee directly from your account: